god "He was a fighter in every way, he lived and breathed action."
SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Josef "Sepp" Dietrich after Wittmann's death.
‘‘‘‘@Name@F Michael Wittmann
‘‘‘‘@Born@F 22 April 1914 in Vogelthal/Oberplatz
‘‘‘‘@Total victories (kills)@F 141 tanks,
132 antitank guns.
Most of this score was tailed on the Eastern Front.
‘‘‘‘@Combat Service@F Poland (1939),
Balkans (1940/41),
Eastern Front (1941-1944),
Normandy (1944).
‘‘‘‘@Awards@F Iron Cross 2nd and 1st Class (EK II and EK I),
Knights Cross (Ritterkreuz),
Oakleaves to the Knights Cross (Eichenlaub),
Swords to the Knights Cross (Schwerter).